Who are we?
¿Quienes Somos?
Collective Focus is a donation-run artist collective operating a Resource Hub on the Bushwick and Bedstuy border.
Colectivo artístico sin fines de lucro que opera un centro de recursos en la frontera de Bushwick y Bed-Stuy.
413,601 pounds of free food and clothing distributed at an estimated value of $1,229,331 to 97,724 people︎413.601 libras de comida y ropa gratis distribuidos a 97.724 con un valor estimado de $1,229,331︎
413,601 pounds of free food and clothing distributed at an estimated value of $1,229,331 to 97,724 people︎413.601 libras de comida y ropa gratis distribuidos a 97.724 con un valor estimado de $1,229,331︎
413,601 pounds of free food and clothing distributed at an estimated value of $1,229,331 to 97,724 people︎413.601 libras de comida y ropa gratis distribuidos a 97.724 con un valor estimado de $1,229,331︎
413,601 pounds of free food and clothing distributed at an estimated value of $1,229,331 to 97,724 people︎413.601 libras de comida y ropa gratis distribuidos a 97.724 con un valor estimado de $1,229,331︎
Hours of Operation
Horario de atención al público
1046 Broadway, Brooklyn NY 11221
Tuesday to Saturday - Martes a Sábado
10 am to 5 pm
Closed Sunday and Monday
Cerrado Domingos y Lunes